Last class, I showed a group of advanced students a video of a Korean boy and a Spanish girl going through an oral exam for the Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English. They found it difficult to understand those students because, according to my students, they had strong accent. Then I asked them: “Don’t we also have interference of Portuguese in our accent?” As students are used to listening to each other during English classes, they tend to get used to it, and therefore, do not realise that they speak English with a typical Brazilian accent. One characteristic of it is the intrusive vowel sound in the end of words. So, many of them tend to pronounce like as /laiki/, hot dog as /hoti dogi/, because as /bicósi/. Generally, they tend to stress the last letter or syllable in the end of the word when in English they tend to be weak. They should pronounce them as /laik/, /hat dag/, /bec^z/. One way of solving this problem is to print a text from the internet, cross out the vowels in the...
How to teach your mother to suck eggs - What can I teach you that you don't already know? Um blog para te ajudar com estratégias para melhor aprender idiomas: (Inglês, Português, italiano, francês, espanhol etc)